Sky Spiral

a month ago, on the same day a SpaceX rocket “unplannedly disassembled” and was coming down to earth in a way that looked like multiple comets, resource strange slow-moving light in the sky that look like it had a white aura around it. I was at a restaurant in many many people saw it. It was very bizarre. The above blue spiral would be amazing to see. How astronomical!

I want to reiterate the value of getting rid of the alarm clock by the side of your bed with the bright display. I sleep so much better not knowing what time it is, not monitoring the time all night.

Have a wonderful day!

raincoat dude

last night I dreamed about some guy in a trench coat with a hat carrying a small but heavy tool bag. I was asleep thinking “I have to get me a coat like that, I think I already have that tool bag. I know other people with coats like that and I have to connect with them.”

I was wondering where I left my coat and tool bag.

it was a weird dream and I don’t know why I remember it.

I freaking hate coats like that. My father’s raincoat.

And there you have it, worst post of ohe year!

Suni & Butch, Coming Home

The SpaceX Dragon left the ISS about midnight Cayman time last night beginning the 17 hour trip back to Earth.

Read the article HERE .

Their 8 day trip turned out to be 9 months long.

. I hope we get to follow their journey involving their readjustment to gravity.

Welcome home Suni & Butch!

Its very cold and windy here. Buy cold I mean low 70’s⁰F

Have a great day!

Walking Close To The Cliff

I have a great life. I know it and I’m grateful every day. But why can’t I control how I feel? A couple weeks ago on a Saturday, I decided to stay home, have a lazy day, made some eggs, read my book, lay in the Sun, and I really enjoyed my day. It was wonderful, it was so wonderful that I decided to do it again on Sunday.

Sunday I was miserable. I felt like I was wasting my life I was lonely and bored. All the stuff that was wonderful yesterday sucked today. I realized that the only thing different was my mood, and wondered why I could not control my mood?

What the hell can I control if it’s not that? The inside of my own head.

I have a great time pretty much all the time, except sometimes when I’m home alone. Hence the title of the post, walking to close to the cliff. How can I avoid my home? How can I avoid being alone in my own head?

Anyway it was a great weekend, went diving yesterday. Photos below.

And I got an award from my Garmin Dive Computer Watch.

Happy Monday! Have a great week!

Lunar Eclipse, Blood Moon, Missed It!

we had a blood moon lunar eclipse last night, I got up but it was mostly cloudy. And I went right back to bed. I could see a cookie bite taken out of the Moon but the picture didn’t come out.

today’s Friday I’m looking forward to the weekend. It seems like it’s been a very long week.

I want to reiterate how good it is sleeping without the lighted clock in the room, and how good it is having music when you swim.

have a great weekend!

Misc Pictures

A selection of random pictures from my camera photo album. The view from my office window. Moonset this morning. Sagittarius teapot drawn on. Goldie the cat in the yard. (Goldie is very old, 15 plus). My visitors last week. A funny sign and Sagittarius not drawn on, original picture. It should be next to the one that I drew on, I don’t know why it’s not.

Have a great day!

New Highway Thru Amazon For Climate Summit

Can’t make this up. A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belém.

Isn’t that oxymoronic? Destroying rainforest so that people can get to the climate change summit more conveniently? It sounds counterproductive

There’s a mixed reaction, apparently. The highway is supposed to be very “eco-friendly”, but you know humans are just going to say that so you give them what they want.

Read the article HERE

I can’t believe humans…

A Joke

A chicken walked into a library, and marched right up to the front desk and said “book book book!”

The librarian gave the chicken a book and the chicken walked out the door.

10 minutes later the chicken comes back, throws the book up on the counter and says “book book book!!”

The librarian gives a chicken and another book, and the chicken marches out the door with the book.

Curious, the librarian follows the chicken to see what he’s doing with these books.

The chicken walks down the street to the pond, and gives the book to a frog.

The frog took the book and said “readit! readit!, read it!”.

Ahaaa I love that joke! It is so funny! I slay myself! You can tell that joke to your mom or your grandma and not getting any trouble!

Have a great day