Friday, September 17, 2010

Lack of preparation

Again, I must say that I don't have anything to post about. Lack of preparation. Blogging is hard work, something you gotta do 24/7/365. If you think you can just plop down in front of the computer for five minutes in the morning and cough up these brilliant, witty posts like I do each and every freakin day then you have just got it all WRONG! You gotta go out, all day, every day, and search for the shot, beat the woodwork, climb sheer cliff faces, jump from moving cars, get dirt under your fingernails and kick ass! And if you don't, you'll end up just like me. Sitting here with nothing to post. Dammit!!
Yesterday was my wife and my 5 year anniversary, not our wedding anniversary, but the date we met.
Yesterday I was hanging window blinds. I am sure the wife will post pics tomorrow. She read the instructions to me over the phone and said each bracket needs one screw. But each bracket needs two screws, so I didn't get enough wall anchors. I'll be getting more today and finishing the job.
And that's it. Till tomorrow Or Monday.


Blogger Chris H said...

Well, you COULD show us the blinds?
I agree, blogging can be hard work.. coming up with something every day is difficult!
I usually think of something during the day and 'forward' post it, as my mind is usually TOTALLY BLANK first thing in the morning! lol

September 17, 2010 10:59 PM  

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