Saturday, June 18, 2005

Flowers Sea Swim

Today is the Flowers One Mile Sea Swim, It is an annual sea swim. I have swam in 7 of the past 8. I am kind of dreading todays because I have not been training at all.
Before Hurricane Ivan, I was getting a lot more exercise than I am now. I ran a little and swam a lot, like almost every day. After the storm, I worked and worked like everybody else and it seems like I'm still working. I've been diving quite a bit I guess, but the daily beach and exercise and fun and sun seem to have evaporated. A lot of people I talk to say the same thing.
Hopefully I can finish in 40 minutes or less.


Blogger Jona said...

I took at look at the site link, and WOW there are a lot of people taking part!

Good luck :o)

June 18, 2005 2:23 PM  

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